Birthing Well in the Hospital Setting
May 18, 2024 | 9:00-11:00am
Virtual workshop for Expecting Parents and Birth Doulas
Something you should know about me is that my name is Omni and Omni means all. For me this describes an innate energy in me to experience ALL that life has to offer (and this includes death). I was born to two professional modern dancers and have been a student of the body ever since. I have taught yoga for the past 22 years, I am a full-spectrum birth doula and lactation specialist, I am an INELDA-Certified End-of-Life Doula and Trainer for the organization, NEDA proficient, and a RN in Labor + Delivery.
I am a mover, a thinker and a helper. I am here to witness, facilitate, educate and empower you in ANY and ALL phases of your life. I am not afraid of hard work and uncomfortable conversations. I am also a mother, a partner and a powerhouse artist.
Training + Certifications:
- Registered Nurse, working in Labor + Delivery
- E-RYT 500, CEYT, CYT, Pre+Post natal Yoga Teacher, 200 +300 Hour Yoga Teacher Trainer
- NASM Certified personal trainer
- FRC + Rocktape Certified Practitioner
- Full Spectrum Birth Doula (Trained by Shafia Monroe)
- INELDA-Certified Death Doula and Trainer (with INELDA)
- Breastfeeding Specialist (Trained by Go Milk Yourself)
- Officiant
Learn about Birth with me & Be Well in a virtual workshop May 18:
Do you have a Birth Plan? Are you expecting and delivering in a hospital setting? Want to know more about inductions, Cesarean sections, positions to help progress labor, and more? Join Omni Kitts-Ferrara in a virtual workshop meant to ease fear around birthing in a medical setting, as well as give learners a deep education of what to expect.
This workshop has been created specifically for birthing people and birth doulas to set them up for success within a hospital setting. Birth doulas can benefit from this workshop as the education will inform their care of others and ability to work within a larger care-team (nurses, midwives, providers, anesthetists).
In this workshop, we will learn about
- What to expect in the hospital setting and ways to make safer physiologic birth possible
- Some basic positions to help progress labor, based on labor phases and fetal stations
- Discuss a birth flow chart, verses a birth plan
- Discuss advanced directives and why they are important
- Create coping strategies ahead of time for whatever birth becomes
2 hours, birthing folks are encouraged to come with their partners. Simple movements will be practiced. Bring a journal and a pen. If you have a birth plan, bring that as well.

Omni has taught Yoga for 20 years, and is a Prenatal Yoga instructor as well. She works as a labor and delivery nurse now, but before that was a birth doula. She is still a practicing birth doula and end-of-life doula. Her passion (around birth) is helping each birthing person and their support system find ease and safety in the many choices that arise during birth.